
634 名前: エージェント・774 Mail: 投稿日: 2006/02/25(土) 13:03:35 ID: xcOcFmVm

SOS from Japan!

In the beginning, I am sorry to write suddenly long sentences.
As victims' representative of it, I dare to write that here.
... to inform lots of people all over the world about that ...

The consumption cultures of Japan are facing a serious crisis by The PSE
Standardization (Electrical Appliances And Materials Safety Law) now to
prevent the ignition accidents of consumer electronics, it is enacted.
Though RoHS looks like this, there are large problems in ruining the Japanese economy!

Buying and selling consumer electronics with built-in power supplies
which were made before the year 2001 (3DO・PC-FX・Sega Saturn・Dream Cast・
Play Station 1000-9000・Neo-Geo CD etc. correspond in the game machines) will be impossible by this law in April 2006! The auctions too may be restricted!
The buying and selling of the repair goods and junks will be also impossible!

The AC adaptors (The main bodies are off the subject) also will be scheduled to
become impossible to buy and sell in April 2008! Besides video game consoles,
amplifiers, synthesizers, tape-recorders, phonographs, vcrs, cine-projectors,
and industrial machines, etc. will be abandoned in large quantities!

It is NOT AT ALL considered for the OTAKU cultures and the managers of recycling shops!
The production lines of the factories will stop! Farmers will be impossible to harvest their crops!
The business of Japan will be dull again and it will exert a big influence on the world!
The environment of Japan will be greatly destroyed and we will be jeered all over the world!
Moreover, this decision had not intentionally been notified to people until recently!

By the way, it is recorded in the Constitution of Japan like those.

Article 13:

All of the people shall be respected as individuals.
Their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness shall,
to the extent that it does not interfere with the public welfare,
be the supreme consideration in legislation and in other governmental affairs.

Article 29:

1)The right to own or to hold property is inviolable.
2) Property rights shall be defined by law, in conformity with the public welfare.
3) Private property may be taken for public use upon just compensation therefor.

It is obviously a breach of the constitution!
In order to raise the unfair advantage, METI and
certain electric companies in Japan (specially ***Y and P********) concocted it!
They think that disposable electric products are natural!
635 名前: エージェント・774 Mail: 投稿日: 2006/02/25(土) 13:11:31 ID: xcOcFmVm
(・∀・)つ >>634続き

What do you think about the above-mentioned matters ?

Where are the people who feel doubt about it ?
Where are the people who feel shock about it?
Where are the people who feel sadness about it?
Where are the people who feel anger about it?

Please do not disregard this matter. Please cooperate with us.
It is difficult to change the situation only by the public opinion of Japan
because it is irrelevant for the person who doesn't buy and sell used consumer
electronics. We are glad that foreigners use our industrial commodities and enjoy
our culture. We do not want to make them disappointed. We must apologize to
the ancestors that the destruction of Japanese environment advances any further.
Everything becomes spoiled if it will not do by in April 2006!

Please broadcast this.
Please create an opposition movement for this.
Please complain to Japanese embassies about this.
Please boycott new electrical appliances made in Japan.
And, Please copy the full texts and paste them to other pages!

Thank you for all the readers who read full texts!


Outline of this law



Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

1−3−1 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8901 Japan



636 名前: エージェント・774 Mail: 投稿日: 2006/02/25(土) 13:16:22 ID: xcOcFmVm
(・∀・)つ >>635続き

Electrical Appliances And Materials Safety Law


The Page of Electrical Appliances And Materials Safety Law


Specific Electrical Appliances


Objects other than specific electric appliance



Task Forces




http://www.jspa.gr.jp/ (by Ryuichi Sakamoto et al)

637 名前: エージェント・774 Mail: 投稿日: 2006/02/25(土) 13:29:17 ID: X6zEM2f5
(・∀・)つ >>636続き






Shops that started limitation of buying





To tell the truth, accidents happen frequently although they are PSE
recognized goods! What does the PSE recognition mean?




638 名前: エージェント・774 Mail: 投稿日: 2006/02/25(土) 14:39:00 ID: MvzBmPy0


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